For customers

Welcome to become a water supply customer!

Here we have gathered the necessary information about starting your water customership.

Billing: Customers typically receive four invoices annually: three are based on estimated consumption, and one is a balancing invoice reflecting actual usage.

Consumption Estimates: The estimated average water consumption is 40 cubic meters per person per year (approximately 110 liters per day). New customers are billed based on this estimate until an actual water meter reading is provided.

Meter Reading: Customers are required to submit their water meter reading to the Tampere Water once a year, unless they have a remotely readable meter. Tampere Water sends a self-reading card by mail as a reminder, and returning this card is free of charge.

Customer Service: For inquiries about water meter types or any other customer service issues, you can contact us via email at or by phone at 03 5656 3600 (Mon-Wed 12–15, Thu-Fri 9–11.30).

Online Service: Meter readings can be reported electronically through the online service, where customers can also view their water consumption and invoices.

E-Invoice: The first invoice is sent as a paper invoice, but customers are encouraged to switch to e-invoices through their online bank for environmental reasons. Corporate customers can provide their e-invoice address to customer service.

Fault Reports: Fault reports can be made to the toll-free number 0800 90 172. It’s advisable to check the outage service map for known water outages and area-specific disruptions before calling.